Welcome To Denver Dryver


Regrading The Data

Liking the flexibility that rideshare platforms offer. I decided to take up rideshare driving while I was taking classes in the spring semester of 2017. With ok profits resulting from it. i kept driving in the summer where I discovered that the weekends are a great source of revenue. Realizing this I started driving full time in the summers. I did this for two years in 2018 and 2019. I mostly drove for Uber with Lyft as a sidekick when things got slow. In total, I drove 3200+ trips with Uber and 300+ with Lyft. I unknowingly created a small data set that was too good to forget, so I didn't. I wrote some web scrapers to collect my driving information and processed the data which can be seen below.

Stats for credibility


Star Rating


Driver Since






Trips Over 2 Years


Total Trips

Tools Used

Uber makes it very hard to collect trip information. Each trip has its own HTML and statements data ordering is inconsistent across months. Thus the first challenge was data collection. Test bots were created with Beautiful Soup and Selenium. In the end, I decided to go mainly with Selenium as the HTML code on Ubers site was too dynamic and sloppy to use. With Selenium, I was able to collect the vast majority of my trips on the platform. The data was processed after collection and combined with statements to answer as many questions as possible. Pandas, Python, Excel, Juypeter Notebooks, & Visual Studios Code were used for this step, which was the most time-consuming aspect of the project. The final step in the project is constructing this website which, was wireframed on paper. The website itself was built from scratch using HTM5, CSS3, jquery, BootStrap 4, PHP, Charts.js, Typed.js, & Counter.js. It took one month of work to get to this point and not all the questions I answered with the data set are posted on this website.

Data Drawbacks

One of the main drawbacks is that it only my data set. 35-40 hours spread over Friday, Saturday, & Sundays in the summer months mostly. Thus I am missing the weekdays and 8 non-summer months. Collecting other driver data would be a great solution to this problem but I would need account access for my web scrapper, and would potentially compromise their income source. I also don't know that many Uber drivers, so we'll have to settle for my data set. In a nutshell, I think that this is a great data set, but it's far from big enough to take extremely seriously. The data is presented as is to the best of my data science/ data mining abilities. All this data is pre COVID-19, so things may be different out there.

General Trips

Trip Types

Trip Type (In Percents)
UberX Pool Express Pool
Trip Type (In Trips)
UberX Pool Express Pool


Profits Shares Excluding 3rd Party Fees (In Percents)
Driver Uber Technologies
Profits Shares Including 3rd Party Fees (In Percents)
Driver Uber Technologies Third Party Fees Tolls
Driver Profit Break Down
Fair Promotion Tip Share Adjustments


Probability Of Receiving An App Based Tip By Trip Type (In Percents)
Tip As A Percent Of Trip Cost Excluding Passenger Promotions (In Percents)
Tip Fare (Whole Chart)
Tip As A Percent Of Trip Cost Including Passenger Promotions (In Percents)
Promotion Tip Fare (Whole Chart)


Longest, Shortest, & Average Trip By Distance (Miles)
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool


Longest, Shortest, & Average Trip By Duration (Min)
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool

Surged Trips

Probability Of Trip Being Surged By Trip Type (In Percents)


Probability Of Waiting On Passenger By Trip Type (In Percents)

Long Pickups

Longest, Shortest, & Average Long Pickup By Distance (Miles)
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Longest, Shortest, & Average Long Pickup By Duration (Min)
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool


Most of this point averages were calculated excluding canceled trips. This is because canceled trips do generate points for the driver. Calculations that include canceled trips are marked.


Points Per Trip (Including Canceled Trips)


Points Per Trip


Points Per UberX Trip


Points Per Pool Trip


Points Per Express Pool Trip

Most, Least, & Average Points Earned
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool

Zip Codes

Top 5 Most Popular Zip Codes
All Zip Codes By Popularity

Passenger Payments

Most, Least, & Average Trip Price
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Most, Least, & Average Trip Promotion
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Most, Least, & Average Final Price
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool

Driver Fees

Uber Fee Breakdown (In Percents)
Service Fee Booking Fee
Third Party Fee Breakdown (In Percents)
Airport Surcharge Regional Fee
Most, Least, & Average Service Fee
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Most, Least, & Average Booking Fee
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Most, Least, & Average Total Uber Fee
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Probability Of A Trip With A Third Party Fee
Most, Least, & Average Third Party Fee
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool

Canceled Trips

Probability Of A Profitable Canceled Trip (In Percents)
Probability Of A Supplemented Canceled Trip (In Percents)
Probability Of A Share Adjusted Canceled Trip (In Percents)

DIA Trips

Trip Types

Airport Trip Type
UberX Pool Express Pool
Airport Trips Starting At DIA
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool
Airport Trips Ending At DIA
All Trips UberX Pool Express Pool


DIA Trip Profit Averages By Trip Type
UberX Pool Express Pool Worst Best
DIA Trip Profit Averages By Starting Location
UberX Pool Express Pool

Profit Breakdown

Trip Breakdown (All DIA Trips)
Fair Promotion Tip
Trip Breakdown (UberX DIA Trips)
Fair Promotion Tip
Trip Breakdown (Pool DIA Trips)
Fair Promotion Tip
Trip Breakdown (Express DIA Trips)
Fair Promotion


DIA Tip Probability By Trip Type
DIA Tip Probability All Trips
Tipped No Tip
DIA Tip Probability (Starting At DIA)
Tipped No Tip
DIA Tip Probability (Ending At DIA)
Tipped No Tip


Best App Based Tip


Worst App Based Tip


DIA Trip Distance Averages By Trip Type
UberX Pool Express Pool Worst Best
DIA Trip Distance Averages By Starting Location
UberX Pool Express Pool


DIA Trip Duration Averages By Trip Type
UberX Pool Express Pool Worst Best
DIA Trip Duration Averages By Starting Location
UberX Pool Express Pool

Canceled Trips

Probability Of A Profitable Canceled DIA Trip (In Percents)

Contact Me

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I hope that I impressed you enough to reach out if you're interested in having me join your team or company. Feel free to browse my GitHub repositories, view and/or add me on LinkedIn, or view my latest resume by clicking the respective icons below. You can also send me a message using the contact form on this website. If you do decide to send a message using this website, keep an eye out on the email you used.

Professional contact forms are high priority and are replied to within 24 hours. A confirmation email is sent out shortly after a message is sent.